Chilliwack's Chinatowns - Work, Hops, Agriculture
- CA CHL CHL_2010.012-CHL_2015.070-087
- File
- 2009-2011
Part of Chad Reimer fonds
File contains work information; hops, agriculture and Chinese work camps.
Reimer, Chadwick T., 1963-
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Chilliwack's Chinatowns - Work, Hops, Agriculture
Part of Chad Reimer fonds
File contains work information; hops, agriculture and Chinese work camps.
Reimer, Chadwick T., 1963-
Part of Chad Reimer fonds
File contains author's notes and copy of Census 1911 information pertaining to China Ranch, as compiled by the author.
Reimer, Chadwick T., 1963-