This tapestry was gifted to Dr. Robert Lawrence in appreciation for his services to the Chinese community in Chinatown, Cumberland B.C. He was given this gift when he moved to Vancouver B.C. -The Chinese Community in Cumberland had this tapestry made in China for $500.00. Dr. Robert Lawrence was the first doctor in the Cumberland area and he was also the treasurer of the original hospital board. Dr. Lawrence served the Cumberland miners from 1890-1900.
Prepared by the Christian Literature Society for the China Sunday School Union in Shanghai. Photographed: front cover; translation available upon request.
Prepared by the Christian Literature Society for the China Sunday School Union in Shanghai.
This book is in English as well as Chinese; it is signed by various people between 1901-1911; the names and signatures read: Chow Wing Yick 1911, David Chow, David W. Chow 645 Main St. Cumberland B.C., Mrs. B.W. Chow 1911, Cumberland B.C., as well as other signatures that are not legible.
This map shows Dunsmuir Avenue, through Camp Road as well as house locations. Wellington Collieries Railway, Chinatown Streets, and housing sites are also visible.
Envelope (B) is from Hong Kong and addressed to Hwang Je-Syen from Hwang Ren-II; letter (A) stating that the sender received money from Je-Syen and that “Your family is fine, so don’t worry about it.”; envelope C is addressed to “Sing Shun & Co. PO Box 183, Cumberland B.C. from “Wing Shing in Hong Kong; Cumberland B.C. postage stamp on the back. Date: May 1930; Photographed: 983.025.002 A (letter); Full translation available.
A: envelope is from Hong On Tai Jan Co. Sam Hop Toy Sun, in Canton China; it is addressed to Foo Yuen Co. in Cumberland B.C. B: envelope is addressed to Hwang Je-Syen in Cumberland B.C. from his Mother; C: letter is to Hwang Je-Syen from his Mother mentioning Jang-Li (full translation available); D: letter is a fee statement from Lu-Fong Co. to Hwang Pal-Gwang. Date: August 6, 1929; Photographed: 982.020.024 C (letter); (Translated by: Sen-Shou Lin June, 4th, 1988).