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Description archivistique
Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society Dossier Anglais
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File consists of typewritten notes relating to the Chinese Ethnic Study undertaken by the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society. Notes include a transcript of an interview with Bob Maitland (1979), interview with Mrs. Jack Robinson (1979), interview with Maxine Smith (1979), interview with Frank Hall, and an interview with Wally Chung (1979). File contains two copy photographs: 1) Wally Chung's parents tombstones and 2) Chinese graveyard marking stones at Little Mountain cemetery

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File consists of copies of secondary literature about Chinese-Canadians in British Columbia. The file also contains correspondence of the Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society's Jessica Sutherland, Ethnic Researcher.

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File contains notes from an interview with Wally Chung, notes on Chinese headstones in Chilliwack's cemetery, and photocopies from police court record books of Chinese cases tried, 1909-1911.

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