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Mrs. Finch at the Wedding of Archie and May Chow

  • CA CUMB CUMB_998.032.001
  • Pièce

The people identified in this photo are: (L to R) Mrs. Chow Chee, Mrs. Mah, Mrs. Finch, Bessy/ Matthew, Mrs. Chow, Mrs. Lowe, Audrey (child), Lucy, Mrs. Tso, Mrs. Chow Ling, Mrs. Mah, Mrs. Wong, and Fanny Wong.

Sewing Basket with Decorations

  • CA CUMB CUMB_2011.085.001a
  • Pièce

There are jade, metal, and bead decorations with tassels on the lid of the basket.

Box with 7 Glass Chinese Medicine Vials

  • CA CUMB CUMB_2012.017.008
  • Pièce

The Box has writing with daisies, and a picture of a Chinese man on one side; a dragon and a reindeer on the other.

Johnson's Bottle from Cumberland Chinatown

  • CA CUMB CUMB_981.052
  • Pièce

Recovered from Chinatown, Cumberland B.C. Bottle reads: “Johnson, Liverpool, Trade Mark Registered” with a picture of a compass symbol.

Résultats 1 à 25 sur 3953